Stock diagnosis based on NWSA ingredients

Stock diagnosis based on NWSA ingredients

Below is Valide’s base guru file for NEWS CORP (NWSA). Of the 22 guru programs we use, NWSA charges the most using our multi-ingredient investor dummy according to the published performance of Pim van Vliet. This multipart model looks for low-volatility stocks that also have strong momentum and excessive online payout returns.

NEWS CORP (NWSA) is an inventory of the hilly noise in the printing and publishing industry. The classification using this strategy is 68% in step with the company’s fundamentals and stock valuation. A ranking of 80% or higher generally indicates that the strategy has some enthusiasm in the inventory, and a ranking above 90% generally indicates strong enthusiasm.

The following table summarizes whether the inventory meets all the checks of this strategy or not. All of the criteria in the table below are no longer equally weighted or fair, yet the table provides a handy e-book with a rough overview of robust and historical security aspects in the context of strategy criteria.


Detailed diagnosis of NEWS CORP

NWSA Guru Diagnosis

Basic diagnosis of NWSA

More information about Pim van Vliet

Portfolio Pim van Vliet

About Pim van Vliet: When investing, you generally want to increase the likelihood that you will get a higher return. However, there is one notable exception in the investment world. Low volatility stocks have been proven to outperform their excessive volatility counterparts and thus execute with much lower probability. Pim van Vliet is Head of Conservative Equities at Robeco Asset Management. His study of conservative investing culminated in the introduction of this strategy and the publication of the book “High Returns From Low Chance: A Primary Stock Market Paradox”. Van Vliet holds a PhD in financial and industrial economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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About Validea: Validea is an investment research service that follows the published programs of investment legends. Validea offers inventory forecasting and portfolio models in step with gurus who have outperformed the market over long periods of time, including Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, and Martin Zweig. For more information on Validea, click here

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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